HP ProBook 645 G1 Notebook PC User Manual

Page 115

background image

reinstall 83
remove everything and reinstall

option 83

reset 83

Windows 8 operating system

DVD 82

Windows applications key,

identifying 8

Windows button, identifying 8, 9
wireless antennas, identifying 14
wireless button 18
wireless certification label 94
wireless controls

button 18
operating system 18

wireless light 5, 6, 9, 18
wireless network (WLAN)

connecting 21
corporate WLAN connection


equipment needed 20
functional range 21
public WLAN connection 21
security 20
using 19

WLAN antennas, identifying 14
WLAN device 19, 94
WLAN label 94
writable media 42
WWAN antennas, identifying 14
WWAN device 18, 21


zooming TouchPad gesture 29

Index 105

This manual is related to the following products: