Index – HP Designjet T2500 eMultifunction Printer series User Manual
Page 260

access control 32
order 170
account ID
requiring 33
accounting 137
accounting data by email 138
acoustic specifications 246
Acrobat, print from 122
errors 234
turn on and off 31
warnings 234
auto-off 46
AutoCAD, print from 124
output problems 181
black and white 115
black point compensation 119
blurred lines 189
brightness in front panel 47
cannot load paper 173
clean the printer 152
clipped at bottom 195
clipped image 195
adjustment options 114
advantages 111
calibration 111
CMYK 111
emulation 117
fading 195
inaccurate 194
printer emulation 113
profile 111
RGB 111
color management
from drivers 112
from EWS 118
from front panel 119
from PS drivers 116
options 112
process 111
scanner 120
communication ports 7
components of printer 6
computer communication
communications issues 232
configure 47
connect the printer
general 16
Mac OS X network 18
Windows network 17
crop lines 78
Customer Care 240
Customer Self Repair 241
on/off 64
DHCP settings 39
disk wipe 155
DNS settings 40
draft printing 76
driver preferences 34
drying time
change 64
e-mail notifications 31
email printing 92
Embedded Web Server
access 45
cannot access 233
job preview 106
job queue 106
language 46
usage per job 137
usage statistics 137
environmental specifications 246
erase files securely 154
error messages
fading colors 195
features of printer 5
file erase, secure 154
file system check 234
firewall status 42
firmware update 153
front panel 8
brightness 47
job preview 104
job queue 104
language 45
units 47
front panel option
adjust paper advance 185
align printhead 228
allow EWS 233
auto-off 46
black point compensation 120
calibrate color 112
calibrate paper advance 185
calibration status 111
clean printhead 228
CMYK source profile 120
color/grayscale 120
connectivity wizard 22, 233
cutter 64
display brightness 47
drying time 64
economode 76
emulate printer 120
enable crop lines 79
form feed and cut 64
Internet connectivity 23
language 45
maximum detail 77
merge 76
modify configuration 48
move paper 63
nest options 30
PANTONE emulation 120
paper mismatch action 29