Unmanaged zoned san goes offline after update – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 62

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Edit the unmanaged SAN XML file and verify that all XML content is correct, including the
format of XML and the opening and closing characters for XML entries.


Check the folder containing the unmanaged SAN XML file. Verify that there are no other files
in the folder with the same name but have an extension of “xml~”.

Unmanaged Zoned SAN goes offline after update

Symptom–After an unmanaged SAN is updated with a new zone, it goes offline and never returns.
Possible cause–The syntax of XML and/or entries may be unexpected.
Suggested action–Edit the unmanaged SAN XML file for the offline network and verify that all XML
content is correct, including the format of the XML and the opening and closing characters for XML
entries. Checking the SPM log file may also be helpful in this situation.

