Network capability requirement, Raid level requirement, Resource existence requirement – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

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Volume Access

— Storage must be presented with access rights. When unspecified,

Read-write is assumed.

Fibre Channel Initiator Endpoint

— Storage must be presented to each host initiator

endpoint specified (multiple may be specified to describe multiple endpoints per host)


— Causes the Host requirement group to only match against pre-presented

storage rather than configuring presentation on matching storage.

Within each Host requirement, multiple Fibre Channel Initiator Endpoint requirements
may exist which specify the ports on the host which will be accessing the storage service.

The Pre-presented sub-requirement, when TRUE, causes the Host requirement group to be
used to constrain volumes by properties of their existing presentations. Host requirement groups
without Pre-presented=TRUE may configure an interface onto the volume. When multiple Host
requirements are specified, the following operation is performed:


If all Host requirement groups contain Pre-presented=TRUE on them, then the result is to
only match volumes with existing presentations which match the requirements specified within
the Host requirement groups. The presentations of the matching volumes are not changed.


If all Host requirement groups contain Pre-presented=FALSE (or do not contain a

requirement) in them, then the resulting services are configured to be

accessible by the hosts specified by the Host requirements. SPM attempts to configure the
volume hostmode, mapping, masking, and SAN zoning to allow the storage to be accessible
from the host interfaces specified by the Host requirements.


If no Host groups are specified of any kind, then matching services are configured to be
inaccessible by all hosts (unmasked, unmapped, and unzoned).


Having a mixture of Host groups with Pre-presented=TRUE and Pre-presented=FALSE
(which is the default) is not supported.

Network Capability requirement

The Network Capability requirements specify the capabilities which a matching service must
be capable of performing after it is provisioned. If a network capability is not specified as required,
then it is optional whether a provisioned service can perform the capability after being provisioned.
For example, a Network Capability requirement with a value of “Automated Zoning” matches
only networks that are capable of performing automated zoning.

RAID Level requirement

The RAID Level requirement specifies the RAID level of volumes matching this requirement. The
RAID level values represent the general concepts of each RAID level, for example the redundancy
and space efficiency characteristics. The actual RAID level chosen on the device is determined
from a mapping of the general concepts to the particular implementation of RAID on the array.

Resource Existence requirement

The Resource Existence requirement is a provisioning time only requirement which matches
resources which already exist, rather than ones which could be created. The only resource class
recognized is the Volume resource class since it is the only resource type creatable in SPM at this
time. Using this requirement with “Must not” enforcement specifies that matching volumes must be
created via on-demand provisioning and will not be pre-existing (pre-provisioned) resources.


Storage service policy