Usb function [all usb ports, Legacy usb support [auto, Usb 2.0 controller [enabled – Asus Motherboard NCLV-D2 Series User Manual
Page 88: Usb 2.0 controller mode [hispeed

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C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p
C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p
C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p
C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p
C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p
USB Function [All USB Ports]
USB Function [All USB Ports]
USB Function [All USB Ports]
USB Function [All USB Ports]
USB Function [All USB Ports]
Allows you to enable a specific number of USB ports, or disable the USB
function. Configuration options: [Disabled] [2 USB Ports] [All USB Ports]
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Allows you to enable or disable support for legacy USB devices. Setting to
[Auto] allows the system to detect the presence of legacy USB devices at
startup. If detected, the USB controller legacy mode is enabled. If no legacy
USB device is detected, the legacy USB support is disabled.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the USB 2.0 controller.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
Allows you to set the USB 2.0 controller mode to HiSpeed (480 Mbps) or
FullSpeed (12 Mbps). Configuration options: [FullSpeed ] [HiSpeed]
USB Configuration
USB Configuration
USB Configuration
USB Configuration
USB Configuration
The items in this menu allows you to change the USB-related features.
Select an item then press
The M o d u l e V e r s i o n
M o d u l e V e r s i o n
M o d u l e V e r s i o n
M o d u l e V e r s i o n
M o d u l e V e r s i o n and U S B D e v i c e s E n a b l e d
U S B D e v i c e s E n a b l e d
U S B D e v i c e s E n a b l e d
U S B D e v i c e s E n a b l e d
U S B D e v i c e s E n a b l e d items show the
auto-detected values. If no USB device is detected, the U S B D e v i c e s
U S B D e v i c e s
U S B D e v i c e s
U S B D e v i c e s
U S B D e v i c e s
E n a b l e d
E n a b l e d
E n a b l e d
E n a b l e d
E n a b l e d item shows N o n e
N o n e
N o n e
N o n e
N o n e.
Select Screen
Select Item
Change Option
General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
v02.58 (C)Copyright 1985-2004, American Megatrends, Inc.
Enables USB host
USB Configuration
Module Version - 2.23.2-7.4
USB Devices Enabled:
USB Function
[All USB Ports]
Legacy USB Support
USB 2.0 Controller
USB 2.0 Controller Mode