8 initial start-up – Sterlco 140 to 6,285 Gallon Pump Tanks User Manual
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Pump Tanks
Chapter 3: Installation
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Chilled Water Piping Connections
Process Pump Discharge (Single Well). Connect process pump discharge to the chiller
evaporator water inlet. Size to the chilled water flow rate. Chiller evaporator inlet and outlet
should have valves and temperature and pressure gauges. Outlet of the evaporator is
connected to the chilled process water supply.
Process Pump Discharge (Dual Well). Connect directly to the chilled water process supply.
Size according to process flow requirements.
Return (Single Well). Connect the chilled water returning from the process to the pump tank
threaded return inlet. Size this line according to the chilled water flow rate.
Makeup. Connect a 1” (approximately 25 mm) water line from a city water source to the
makeup inlet to maintain the water level in the pump tank.
Overflow. Connect the overflow outlet to an approved, trapped drain to permit excess water
in the pump tank to overflow to the drain. Size the overflow line according to the size of the
pump tank. (Consult specifications on page 54.) Do not connect to draw if glycol is used in
the system.
To Drain. Connect to a 2” (approximately 51 mm) line leading to an approved, trapped drain.
Do not connect to draw if glycol is used in the system.
Bypass (Single Well). Optional: recommended on single pump systems. Pipe full size to the
pressure-regulating valve from the evaporator outlet to allow flow if process does not require
flow, to ensure proper flow through the evaporator at all times.
3-8 Initial Start-up
• Remove all tools, foreign matter and debris from the pump tank reservoir and piping.
• Complete all piping leading to and from the pump tank. Observe all applicable codes.
• Complete all electrical wiring. Observe all applicable codes.
• Prepare all related equipment in the system for operation.
• Leak check piping. Flush and clean system.