Sterlco 140 to 6,285 Gallon Pump Tanks User Manual

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Pump Tanks

Chapter 3: Installation

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Tower Tank Piping Connections
Return From Process (Single Well). Connect process return piping to the cooling tower
inlet with appropriate balancing valves and gauges. Size this line to the tower flow rate.

Return From Process (Dual Well). Connect process return piping to the hot well. Size
piping to the process flow rate.

Re-circulation Pump Discharge (Dual Well). Connect to the cooling tower inlet with
appropriate balancing valves and gauges. Size according to the pump discharge rate.

Return From Tower. The return from the tower outlet enters the pump tank from above and
terminates above the water level at the water strainer basket location directing flow through
the basket. Cut the end of the line at a 45º angle.

Makeup. Connect a 1” (approximately 25 mm) water line from a city water source to the
makeup inlet to maintain the water level in the pump tank. City water pressure should not
exceed 30 psi pressure. Check local codes. Backflow preventer may be required.

Overflow. Connect the overflow outlet to an approved, trapped drain to permit excess water
in the pump tank to overflow to the drain. Size the overflow line according to the size of the
pump tank. (Consult specifications on page 52.)

To Drain. Connect this outlet to a 2” (approximately 51 mm) line leading to an approved,
trapped drain.

Process Pump Discharge. Connect the pump discharge to the process water supply main.
Size the pipe to the pump discharge rate to the tower.