NORD Drivesystems BU0100 User Manual
Page 20

Technical modifications observed
BU 0100 GB
4.2.1 SK 160E-1-O(-C)-3D-T125
The SK 160E-1-O(-C)-3D-T125 is motor reverse starter without a fixed integrated rectifier. However, there is
the possibility of installing a rectifier from Getriebebau NORD. This can be used in case of an upgrade, or for
mains voltages < 380V. Spacer bolts are provided for installing the rectifier. (Æ See also Section. 5.1 )
4.2.2 SK 160E-1-BSG2(-C)-3D-T125
The version with integrated rapid-switching brake rectifier has the designation SK 160E-1-BSG2(-C)-3D-T125.
With this version of the device, a rapid switching brake rectifier is fitted in addition to the basic function, in order
to directly control a brake which is mounted on the motor. The output braking voltage is then the mains voltage
x 0.45. With the jumper [L], slow braking can be switched to by bypassing the integrated DC switch. (Æ See
also Section 5.1 )
4.2.3 SK 160E-1-x(-C)-MS
The reverse starter can be equipped with a Harting HAN 10E plug connector. The configuration in the terminal box
is described in Section 5.3). According to the version (without or with an integrated brake rectifier) the
corresponding designation is SK 160E-1-0(-C)-MS or SK 160E-1-BSG2(-C)-MS.
4.2.4 SK 160E-AS1-x(-C)-MS
In the versions described under 4.2.1 to 4.2.3, the reverse starter SK 160E can be extended by the AS
interface bus access (SK IU2-AS1) option, using an additional assembly integrated into the cover of the
housing. (Æ See also Section 5.5.1).
In combination with a HAN 10E system plug it is also possible to integrate the AS interface bus access into the
SK 160 E by modifying the terminal box. With this version of the reverse starter the plug connector is mounted
flush left on the terminal box and not in the centre. The feed-out of the connecting sockets of the AS interface
is then carried out according to Section 5.5.2 next to the plug connector, and not via the cover of the terminal
This version of the SK 160 E is available both with and without an integrated brake rectifier. The designation
for these versions is accordingly SK 160E-AS1-BSG2(-C)-MS or SK 160E-AS1-O(-C)-MS.