Advanced span and zero adjustment, Adjusting the zero, Adjusting the span – FUTEK CSG110 (JM-2A / JM-2AD)-Series User Manual

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Advanced Span and Zero Adjustment

Adjusting the Zero

At times, when using a signal conditioner, it is necessary to offset the zero. The CSG110
makes this simple. The zero can be adjusted approximately ±10% of R.O. by using the
potentiometer on board.

Adjusting the Span

The input jumpers vary from 0.5 mV/V to 10.0 mV/V. This allows for a large variety of
input ranges. However, it sometimes happens that the rated output from the sensor is
not exactly 2.0 mV/V or 3.0 mV/V. The CSG110 has a ±10% of R.O. adjustment range
so a sensor with an output close to one of the input ranges will work fine.