Dwyer ULT User Manual
Page 5
DiSpLaY MenU
Press inDeX to advance to the next menu time. Press enTeR
to retain the value.
Sets the transmitter output: Select LiQUiD or aiR. Factory
default is LiQUiD.
Output will be the height of the liquid in the tank.
Output will be the height of the air above the
liquid in the tank.
Exit without making changes.
Sets the transmitter display and output unit of measure. Select
inCHeS, feeT, CM, or MeTeR. Factory default is inCHeS.
Display and output will be in inches.
Display and output will be in feet.
Display and output will be in centimeters.
Display and output will be in meters.
Exit without making changes.
Sets the transmitter display for distance measure or percent-
age measure. Select DiSTanCe or peRCenT. Factory default
is DiSTanCe.
DiSTanCe Display will be in units of distance.
peRCenT Display will be in percentage of range.
Exit without making changes.
Displays a guide to the menu items in this menu. Press enTeR
to display.
Exits DiSpLaY menu and goes back to the top menu. Press
enTeR to go back to the top menu or press inDeX to loop back
through the DiSpLaY menu options.
The transmitter has two modes: operating and programming. In
the normal operating mode the transmitter will display the liquid
height. The unit comes factory calibrated with the output default-
ed to 4 mA equal to the maximum range and 20 mA equal to the
minimum range of the transmitter model. In the programming
mode the transmitter will display the programming menus and
choices. When in the programming mode the transmitter will
hold the last current value. The value will not change until the
transmitter is returned to operating mode via RUN in the menu
To enter the programming mode press and hold the enTeR but-
ton for approximately 5 seconds. Once in programming mode
there are the following top menu selections: DiSpLaY, TanK,
OUTpUT, TaRGeT CaL, VaLUeS, HeLp, and RUn. Pressing
the inDeX button will increment to the next top menu and press-
ing the ENTER button will enter the menu for programming