Limited warranty and disclaimer – Badger Meter CV Series User Manual
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Limited Warranty and Disclaimer
Preso Flow Metering Equipment, Division of Racine Federated Inc. warrants to the end pur chas er, for
a period of one year from the date of shipment from the fac to ry, that all flow meters manufactured
by it are free from defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty does not cover products
that have been dam aged due to misapplication, abuse, lack of main te nance, modifi ed or improper
in stal la tion. Preso’s obligation under this war ran ty is limited to the repair or re place ment of a
defective prod uct, at no charge to the end purchaser, if the product is in spect ed by Preso and found
to be defective. Repair or re place ment is at Preso’s discretion. A return goods au tho ri za tion (RGA)
number must be obtained from Preso before any product may be re turned for warranty repair
or re place ment. The product must be thoroughly cleaned and any process chem i cals removed
before it will be ac cept ed for return.
The purchaser must determine the applicability of the product for its desired use and assumes
all risks in connection there with. Preso assumes no responsibility or liability for any omissions or
errors in con nec tion with the use of its products. Preso will under no circumstances be liable for
any in ci den tal, con se quen tial, con tin gent or special dam ag es or loss to any person or prop er ty
arising out of the failure of any product, com po nent or accessory.
All expressed or implied warranties, including the implied warranty of mer chant abil i ty and the
implied war ran ty of fi tness for a particular purpose or ap pli ca tion are ex press ly dis claimed
and shall not apply to any products sold or services rendered by Preso.
The above warranty supersedes and is in lieu of all other warranties, either ex pressed or implied
and all other ob li ga tions or li a bil i ties. No agent or rep re sen ta tive has any au thor i ty to alter the
terms of this war ran ty in any way.
8635 Washington Avenue • Racine, WI 53406-3738 USA
Tel: 262-639-6770 • Fax: 262-417-1148
Toll Free: 800-632-7337 • [email protected]
©2010 Racine Federated Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in USA
Form #4-20-23 04/10
PRESO is a registered trademark of Racine Federated Inc.
UL is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories.