Badger Meter Model 3700 Data Acquisition Server User Manual
Page 14

Step 2: Create a windows networking connection.
A. From the control panel, select Network Connections. Click
Create a New Connection.
B. The Connection Wizard will appear with a welcome screen
and no options. Click Next.
C. Select Connect To the Internet and click Next.
D. Select Set Up My Connection Manually and click Next.
E. Select Connect Using a Dial-up Modem and click next.
F. Enter My Model 3700 for the ISP name. (you may want
to name each Model 3700 connection by the name of the
building where it resides. ) Click Next.
G. Enter the phone number of the phone line attached to the
Model 3700. Click Next.
H. Enter admin for the username, and the admin password
in the password field. Uncheck the option Make This The
Default Internet Connection. Click Next.
I. The connection wizard will show you that the setup is
complete. Click Finish.
Step 3: Configure connection details.
A. Right click on the My Model 3700 connection icon you
created in Step 2 above. (You may also click the properties
button in the dial-out dialog box.)
B. General Tab: defaults are okay.
C. Options Tab: Verify the option Include Windows
Domain is not checked. Set any timeout values if desired.
D. Security Tab: Security: Use Typical, allow unsecured
password. At the bottom of the dialog box, in the section
Interactive Login and Scripting. Check the Run Script
checkbox. Click the browse button below the script name.
Select the Model 3700.scp file created in step one above.
Click the Open Button. The script name should appear to
the right of the Run Script checkbox.
E. Networking Tab: defaults are okay.
F. Advanced Tab: defaults are okay.
G. Click Okay to save the changes.
Step 4: Dial the connection.
A. Double click the My Model 3700 connection icon.
B. Complete the password field if it is blank. The password is
the Admin password of the Model 3700.
C. Click the dial button. The modem usually takes between 40
and 60 seconds to establish a connection.
Once the connection is established, use your web browser to
connect to the Model 3700 by entering
Where is the Static IP address listed in the
Dial-in Address Worksheet.
Your browser will now be able to access the Model 3700 the same
way as you did in the LAN/Direct Connection setup in previous
sections of this manual.
The system status page shows the current memory and flash
disk utilization values, system up-time, and load average. Also
included on this page are two buttons for Reboot and Shutdown.
It is important to use the shutdown option prior to removing power
from the Model 3700. The LCD console will report the reboot
or shutdown status.
will support the Windows built-in dial-up networking features,
and can be used as easily as a dial-up ISP service.
Step 1: Collect the necessary information. You will need some
details about the ISP or RAS you will be calling.
dial-In details
A dedicate phone line is required, and can not be shared with
a fax machine or other device.
Telephone number: ________________________ (the phone
line the Model 3700 is attached to)
Static IP address: (the Model 3700 PPP IP
Static Netmask:
Remote Address: (the IP address assigned to
the calling computer)
Admin password: ________________________
Dial-in Address Worksheet
Step 2: Plug a regular telephone into the phone line that the
Model 3700 is to use. Verify the line has dial-tone. Use a second
telephone and dial the Model 3700 phone number and verify the
first telephone rings, and can be answered. If it does not ring,
verify the telephone number dialed is actually associated with
physical phone line. If the line tests okay, hang up, attach the
Model 3700 to the phone line and proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Select the Network/PPP0/ModemSetup option from
the Model 3700 configuration webpage. set the Setup String
by clicking on the Use Default button. Click apply changes to
save the setting.
Step 4: Select the Network/PPP0/DialinSetup option from the
Model 3700 configuration webpage.
A. Check the Dial-in Enabled option.
B. Set the IP, Netmask, and Remote Address as shown in
Dialin Address Worksheet. The IP addresses shown (factory
default) will work for most dialup connections. If you make
changes to the IP address, make note of it for future use.
C. Click Apply to save your changes.
Example dial-In From a WinXP Computer
The Model 3700 is designed to allow connections from any
generic PPP system including MacOS, Linux, Windows 9x, XP
and 2000. We have found that windows XP/2000 has a timeout
issue that affects some computers but not others. When calling
the Model 3700 with Windows XP/2000 you may receive an error
message stating that a loopback error was detected, preceded
by windows hanging up promptly after connecting to the Model
3700. If that is the case, a slight delay in the dial process for
windows will correct the problem. Adding this delay in a dial
script is detailed below.
Step 1: Using notepad, create a text file called “c:\windows\
system32\ras\Model 3700.scp”. In that text file, add the following
proc main
delay 2
Save and close the file