Auto exposure – Revo REXN700-2 User Manual

Page 8

background image

- R:

Adjust red color.

- B

: Adjust blue color.

- Push/Set: Tracking WB of current screen, and represent R, B value.
- Default: Restore R, B default value.

5) Fix/FL Mode:

Fixed color temperature mode, for fluorescent lamp environment.

6) Fix/Outdoor Mode:

Fixed color temperature (6300 ºK)mode, for outdoor environment.

* MIN_SHT (Minimum shutter speed) :
NTSC:1/60se/ PAL:1/50sec
* MAX_SHT (Maximum shutter speed) : 1/100000sec
* FLC_SHT (Flickerless shutter speed) : NTSC:1/100sec PAL:1/120sec

1) AE Mode

- Full Auto: DC Lens or Video Lens – Fix shutter speed to MIN_SHT.

Manual Lens - Operating as shutter mode.

- Fast SHT (Fast shutter mode): Adjust range - 1/250~1/10000
- SHT Fix (Shutter Fix Mode)

: shutter speed is fixed at a given value.

* If lighting is not enough, noise may be increase.
* If lighting is enough using AGC maximum, automatically decrease shutter speed.

2) UDF (Ultra Deep Field)

Depending on lighting conditions and Motion state, automatically adjust AE and DNR.
Normally in low light environment, Sens-up feature may be missing the movement of
objects and High AGC value makes increase the noise. UDF function effectively to
improve this phenomenon.

* Motion is none : Noise removal mode.
* Motion is occured: Fast screen update mode.

3) Low Light

: If using UDF function, this function being disabled.


: Boost the signal and adjusting the brightness. (Off/Low/Mid/High)

- Sens-Up

: By summing multiple fields, adjusting the proper brightness in low light

conditions (2X~ 256X)

- Apert

: In low light conditions, reduce noise by lowing the sharpness value.

- Color: In low light conditions, reduce noise by lowing the color value.

4) WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) / WDR-Lite

WDR function can not be used with the BLC and is recommended Full Auto Modes.

- Visibility

: Increases sharpness of the high brightness region.

- Comb Bal

(Combination Balance) :Adjust the balance of High&low luminance area.

- Brightness

: Adjust brightness level of WDR.

5) BLC

: Back Light Compensation / BLC function can not be used with WDR function.

- EHLC (Excessive High Light Compensation) : Fill to high brightness area

with gray color. Clipping of the area is more bright area than the threshold value.

Clip Th (Clipping Threshold)

: Adjust clipping level.

Clip Mask (Clip Mask Brightness) : Selecting gray color of clipping area.

- Auto:

Weighting on the dark area of AE among the splitting 9 area.

- Spot: Weighting on the specified area of AE.

6) Brightness:

Adjust AE reference level.