Jenway 6285 User Manual
Page 22

8. The number of decimal places (RESOLUTION) to which the measurements
will be displayed can then be set at the next option in the MEASURE SETUP
menu. The fluorimeter will auto range resolution for measurements too large
to be displayed in the set resolution.
9. To define the calibration parameters, select the last option of the MEASURE
10. Once in the CALIBRATION SETUP menu, set the NUMBER OF
that will be used at calibration. The number can be set
between 1 and 6, but this does not include the blank (no fluorescence)
standard, which is required for all calibrations.
11. The concentration values of the standards (not including the blank) can then
be set in the STANDARDS TABLE.
12. The menu option below this is the FLUORESCENCE TABLE. The default,
raw fluorescence values will be shown here until a calibration is successfully
completed. Once a calibration has been performed, the raw fluorescence data
will be displayed here. From the FLUORESCENCE TABLE it is also possible
to view the calibration curve, by choosing the VIEW CURVE option. As with
the data table, this will show default values until a valid calibration has been