In-Situ pH/ORP Sensor User Manual
Instruction sheet, Ph/orp sensor

Technical Note
Innovations in
Water Monitoring
Instruction Sheet
Innovations in
Water Monitoring
Page 1
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The In-Situ® Inc. pH/ORP sensor is a combination,
single-junction electrode that contains a platinum ORP
sensor, a glass pH sensing bulb, a replaceable junction,
and refillable reference electrolyte solution. The
sensor is designed and manufactured for long-lasting,
accurate results in a variety of environmental waters.
Unpack and install the pH/ORP sensor into its
designated port on the multiparameter instrument.
1. Remove the restrictor or Cal Cup from the front
end of the instrument. This allows access to the
sensor block.
2. Remove the sensor hydration bottle from the
sensor and save it for future sensor storage.
3. Rinse the sensor with clean water.
4. Remove any moisture or dirt from the area and
remove the plug from the port. Retain the plug for
future storage.
5. Remove any moisture or dirt from the port
connector with a clean swab or tissue.
6. Remove the cap from the sensor connector. Check
lubrication of the sensor O-rings. If the O-rings
appear dry, apply silicone lubricant, provided in
the sensor box, before installation.
7. Visually align the sensor connector pins with the
port connector pins.
8. Press the sensor firmly into the port until you
feel it join with the port connector.
The pH/ORP sensor requires separate calibrations for
pH and ORP.
A 1-point calibration in a solution with known
potential at a given temperature is sufficient to
calibrate ORP. Several options are provided.
• Quick Cal: A 1-point calibration in In-Situ Quick
Cal solution results in calculation of sensor offset.
• Traditional calibration: A 1-point calibration in
a solution specifically formulated for calibrating
ORP, such as ZoBell’s (reference mV value
available in the software) results in calculation for
sensor offset.
• Default coefficients: Resets the factory defaults,
no solutions are required.
Although pH may be calibrated with Quick Cal (1
point at pH 7), for best results, In-Situ recommends a
2- or 3-point calibration. These options are available in
the software:
• Traditional calibration–1 point: requires a single
solution; results in calculation of sensor offset for a
single pH value (pH 4, 7, or 10). Select a calibration
solution for the pH range you expect to measure.
• Traditional calibration–2 point: requires 2
solutions; results in calculation of sensor slope and
offset for one pH range (pH 4-7 or pH 7-10). Choose
solutions for the pH range you expect to measure.
• Traditional calibration–3 point: requires 3
solutions; results in calculation of slope and offset
for 2 ranges (pH 4-7 and pH 7-10). The correct
slope for the pH values being monitored will
automatically be applied.
• Default Coefficients: Resets factory defaults to the
sensor. No solutions are required.
pH/ORP Sensor
Part Number 0059520 (TROLL
9500 Instrument), 0060000 (Aqua TROLL
TROLL™ MP Instrument)