In-Situ TROLL Shield Guard for sub-4 TROLL 9500 Instrument User Manual
Instruction sheet, Troll, Shield guard for the troll

Instruction Sheet
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0095462 rev. 001 1/11
Shield Guard for the TROLL
9500 Instrument
Part Number 0095460
Note how water can pass through
the copper coils to the sensors.
The TROLL Shield Guard is designed to reduce biological fouling of
the sensors on the TROLL 9500 instrument. Reduced fouling improves
measurement accuracy and extends the length of instrument deployment.
For optimum performance, replace the guard every 6 months.
Remove the existing TROLL 9500 restrictor by turning it
counterclockwise from the adapter ring until it is released from
the instrument.
Slide the guard over and past the sensors.
Turn the guard clockwise onto the adapter ring until it is firmly
attached to the instrument.
Cleaning Tips
Remove the guard and clean the instrument with a
soft bristle brush to remove visible debris.
Clean the sensors as described in the TROLL 9500
operator’s manual.
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
before cleaning the guard. Remove the guard
and soak it in a standard calcium lime and rust
(CLR) solution for five minutes. Scrub the guard
with a soft bristle brush. Rinse with water and
repeat if necessary. Do not clean the sensors or the
instrument with the CLR solution.
Adapter ring