Edit a site, Delete a site, Restore a site – In-Situ smarTROLL RDO Handheld Operators Manual User Manual
Page 21

3. Tap the Set button. The site will appear on the Live Readings screen and recorded
data will be associated with the selected site.
Edit a Site
1. Tap the Sites button.
2. Locate the site you intend to edit.
3. Tap the circle next to the Select button for the site.
4. Tap the View button, and make changes to the site information.
5. Tap the Save button.
Delete a Site
1. Tap the Sites button.
2. Locate the site you intend to delete.
3. Tap the circle associated with the site.
4. Tap the Delete button.
This procedure sends the site to the trash where you can choose
to completely delete it, or restore the site. You cannot delete the
default site.
Restore a Site
1. It is possible to restore a deleted site.
2. From the Home screen, tap the Sites button.
3. Tap the Restore From Garbage Can icon.