Triton RL2000 User Manual User Manual
Page 88

Operation time-out
1. Check the incoming power and dispenser mechanism for proper
2. Turn the AC power OFF for a few seconds and then back ON to
power cycle and reset the cash dispenser.
3. Clear all errors and test the dispenser by completing several test
dispenses. If the status clears and the return code are normal place
the cash dispenser in service. If these actions have no effect,
replace the dispenser
RAM corruption
A mechanical failure has occurred. Replace the dispensing
Link error
1. Configuration jumpers may have been changed. Inspect jumper
block LK5 on the dispenser main board. There should be no
jumpers installed.
2. Turn the AC power OFF for a few seconds and then back ON to
power cycle and reset the cash dispenser.
3. If the problem persists, replace the dispensing mechanism
Communications error with EJ
Multiple cassettes of the same type
This is a multi-cassette dispenser error.1. Verify that there is only
one of each type of cassette installed in the dispensing mechanism.
2. If two or more of the same type cassette are installed, inject a
new cassette ID into one of the cassettes that is different from the
other cassette.
Good operation
No Action Necessary. The dispenser sends this status code when a
command has been successfully executed. This status code will
appear in the electronic journal as code 32 or 100 indicating the
successful completion of a transaction.
2-second timeout waiting for pick.
(Feed failure).
This error is usually associated with “”unfit”” currency or an empty
1. Refill the cassette as needed.
2. Inspect the feed path for currency that is stuck together or
jammed. If no jams are found, remove the note closest the pick
rollers in the cassette.
3. Inspect the detent clips (the clips that hold the cassette in
place). Cracked or broken clips should be replaced
4. Install the cassette. Purge the dispensing mechanism with the
PURGE command from the DIAGNOSTICS function. Test the TDM-
100 by completing several Test Dispenses. If the error clears, put
the cash dispenser in service.
5. If the currency is in “”fit”” condition and the error condition
persists, consider replacing the note cassette or the dispensing
Note: Dispenser Status (Click Counts) should be run and available
before contacting Tech Support
Timeout at Exit Sensor
1. Inspect for jammed currency in the feed path and at the Exit
sensor. Remove any jammed currency.
2. Purge the dispenser using the purge command. Test the
dispensing mechanism by completing several Test Dispenses.
3. If the error clears put the Cash Dispenser into service.
Otherwise, replace the dispensing mechanism.
Note: Dispenser Status (Click Counts) should be run and available
before contacting Tech Support