LT Security LTD831J5 User Manual

Page 54

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4/8/16CH Triplex DVR

Digital Video Recorder

om Setup

7.6.1. Pan/Tilt/Zo

“Channel Number”: Dedicated the PTZ camera channel

“PTZ Protocol”: Select PTZ camera’s protocol as Pelco P, Pelco D,

eleview Pelco D, Merit LILIN (3B), Merit LILIN (7B),


“Camera ID”: Setup the ID of PTZ camera (meet camera’s local setting)

”: To reset PTZ camera


Auto Pan/ Line Scan Speed.

s/Iris speed.

And Enable/Disable the Auto Focus/Auto Iris function.

7.6.2. RS


4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.

bit as 8bit or 7bis.




ard connected or CK101/CK201

“Keyboard ID”: Setup the ID of Keyboard (Meet Keyboard’s local setting)

“Keyboard Protocol”(only for certain keyboard model): Select

keyboard’s protocol as Pelco P, Pelco D, HiSharp, Elitar, MIT, Merit LILIN,

Nicecam and Fine.

Teleview Pelco P, T

iSharp, Nicecam and Elitar.

“Camera Reset

peed Adjustment”: To adjust Pan/Tilt/

Zoom/Focus/Iris”: To adjust Zoom/Focu


“Baudrate”: Select the baud rate of PTZ camera as 1200, 1800, 24

“Databit”: Setup data

arity”: Setup parity as No Parity, Even or O

topbit”: Setup stopbit as 1 or 2.

7.6.3. Keyboard

“Keyboard Model”: None for no keybo