LT Security LTD3446HT User Manual
Page 30

>>Stand-alone DVR User Manual
Pic.39:System Information
Host Information:
Display the host serial No., software version, IP address and MAC address.
Link statistics:
Press “Link Stat.” to check the customer login information, and you can you can disconnect this IP
connection. As below:
Pic.40:Link Statistic
Above picture tell us the host is connected by two users. It also tells us the visitors IP, port No. and
remote monitoring status. Channel status is displayed in 4 figures: “0” means close and “1” means
open. The sequence is CH1-CH2-CH3-CH4. For example: 0101 means CH2 and CH4 are open and
CH1 and CH3 are close. Select the connection IP and press “Disconnect” to cut off this connection
Alarm information
Check the system alarm status which is displayed into matrix form chart; junction shows the
incident triggered alarm types. Green color means no alarm and red color means alarm triggered.
When alarm triggered, you can press the triggered incidents to clean the alarm. As below