Troubleshooting, Caution – Lincoln Electric IM827 POWER FEED 10M WIRE FEEDER User Manual
Page 58

Err 004
More than 1 object of the same
eqipment type with the same group
# and feed head #.
Adjust the dip switch setting to make
either the group # or feed head #
unique for all oobjects of the same
equipment type.
Err 003
Too many objects in group.
A given group can only support up
to 7 objects. Remove any objects
over 7 from the group either by
changing the group dip switch set-
tings or physically disconnecting any
objects over 7 in the group.
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Error Codes for the Power Wave 455: Code 10555 and below
Note: For any Err # listed below write down the error number for refference and try cycling power to see if the
error clears itself. If not, refer to what the What to Do column for the given Err.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Display shows any of the following:
Err 001
More than 1 CB with the same
group number.
Make sure the group dip switch set-
ting is unique for each CB.
Err 005
A feed head has its feed head dip
switches set to zero in a group with
more than one object.
The appropriate feed head # is 1
through 7. Check the dip switch set-
ting chart in INSTALLATION section
and set the switches to make the
Feed head ID non-zero.
Err 006
Did not receive a recognition com-
mand from the power source.
Check to see if the status light is not
solid green on the power source
(refer to status light states in OPER-
ATION section if not). Also, check
continuity in the communication lines
from CB to Power Source (refer to
wiring diagram). Refer to Power
source trouble shooting section for
additional information. If all these
avenues fail, replace CB mother PC