Brocade network advisor server – Brocade SAN Analytics Management Pack for VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite User’s Guide V1.0 User Manual

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Brocade SAN Analytics Management Pack for VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite User Manual



Brocade Network Advisor server


4. Type the collection interval, in minutes, in the Collection Interval (Minutes) text box.

5. Click OK on the Resource Management dialog box to define the collection interval.

Brocade Network Advisor server

The Brocade Network Advisor server uses one device, called the seed switch, to discover all other
devices in a fabric. If the seed switch or any other device in the fabric loose connectivity, segment,
or becomes unreachable, one of the following actions may occur:

Fabric split with both fabrics managed by single Brocade Network Advisor server

This is a seamless operation. The Brocade SAN Analytics Management Pack for VMware
vCenter Operations Management Suite lists all resources the Health Tree and Resource Detail
screens. When a switch leaves Fabric A to join Fabric B and both Fabric A and B are managed
by a single BNA server, all resources displayed with the parent child relations set appropriately.

Switch leaves a fabric managed by single Brocade Network Advisor server

When a switch leaves the fabric for any reason, the switch resource changes to an Unknown
state in the Brocade SAN Analytics Management Pack for VMware vCenter Operations
Management Suite. The adapter maintains state of all collected resources, even when the
resources no longer exists for a minimum of 3 weeks. Collected resources are purged every
three weeks. In this case, the switch resource stays in the Unknown state until it is purged. If
the switch resource merges with the fabric, it changes back to a valid health state.

Switch joins a fabric managed by single Brocade Network Advisor server

When a new switch joins a fabric or a new fabric is discovered in the Brocade Network Advisor
server, the new resources display in Brocade SAN Analytics Management Pack for VMware
vCenter Operations Management Suite with valid health states and relationships.

Fabric splits and the new fabric is not managed by the Brocade Network Advisor server

When a switch moves from Fabric A to Fabric B or when Fabric A splits into Fabric A and Fabric
B and Fabric B is not managed by the Brocade Network Advisor server, all resources moved
from Fabric A change to an unknown health state until purged (3 weeks).

New Seed switch elected in the fabric

When the seed switch for a fabric changes in Brocade Network Advisor and a new seed switch
is elected, the new fabric resource, using the new seed switch WWN as the key for the fabric,
displays in the adapter. The fabric resource with the old seed switch WWN changes to an
Unknown health state until it is purged or becomes the seed switch for the fabric again.

Seed switch segments from the existing fabric

When a seed switch segments from the fabric, the fabric resource in the adapter remains the
same. The switches that are not part of the new fabric will be set to an unknown health state.
The switches that are part of this fabric will be set to a valid health state.