Yokogawa Button Operated DX2000 User Manual
Page 9
2.8. Communication Output and Binary Data Output Format
The binary data is an A/D normalized value of the channel set to LOG.
Measured data output (FD command)
FIFO data output (FF command)
If the input is 3.000 V measuring in the 6-V range, the binary data
is 10000 (0x2710).
If the measured result is -OVER, the value is set to 0x8001. If the measured result
is +OVER, the value is set to 0x7FFF.
Converting from binary data to LOG value
1. The binary data is output in A/D normalized value. The A/D normalized value is
a scaled value taking the full span value of the range to be 20000. The full span
value of the range is the maximum value that can be set in the range. It is 6 V in
the 6-V range. For example, the A/D normalized values in the 6-V range are as
follows: 6 V = 20000, -6 V = -20000, 1 V = 20000*1/6 = 3333.3.
2. The A/D normalized value is converted to voltage using the following equation.
Voltage = (A/D normalized value)*(full span value of the range)/20000
3. The voltage is converted to a LOG value using the equation given in section 2.1,
“Converting the LOG Input.”
2.9. Communication Output and ASCII Data Output Format
• ±DDDDD: Data mantissa (sign + 5 digits)
• ±AA:
Data exponent (sign + 2 digits)
Value with the number of displayed mantissa digits corrected
with respect to the exponent of the display data.
(Example) When the number of displayed mantissa digits is 3 and the
measured result (display value) is 3.16E*02, the ASCII output is
equal to +00316E+02.
Handling of over data
When the measured result is -OVER: -99999E+99
When the measured result is +OVER: +99999E+99