Revision record – Yokogawa EXAxt SC450 4-Wire Analyzer for Conductivity/Resistivity User Manual

Page 71

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Revision Record

Manual Title :

Model SC450G [Style: S2] Conductivity/Resistivity Converter

Manual Number : IM 12D08N05-01E



Remark (s)


Jul. 2007

Newly published


Sep. 2007

Back-side of cover, note added; p1, FM approval description of

Figure 1-1 changed; p7, some CAUTION of Figure 3-4 and the

touchscreen added; p16, sec. 4-3-13 Serial number changed; p19,

parameter values and some screen corrected; p21, Made some

revisions (parameter values and some screen corrected; p23,

parameter values and some screen corrected; p25, parameter

values corrected; p29, parameter values corrected; p33, made

some revisions; p37, some CAUTION of the touchscreen

added; p39 to p42 Sec. 9 QUALITY INSPECTION inserted; p43

Sec. 10 SPARE PARTS section and page moved; p44 to p57

APPENDICES page moved (p53, note of serial number added;

p57, APPENDIX 6, Control drawing for FM approval added);

CMPL 12D08N05-02E, 1st Edition, made some revisions.


Aug. 2008

Revisions: Back-side of cover, note illustration added; p3,

Japanese added to display language; p4, option codes /U, /

PM, /H5, /AFTG, /ANSI, /AM20 added to Model and codes; p5

to 6, Layout changed (Figure 3-1. moved and changed, because

external dimensions for awning hood /H5, conduit adapter /AFTG,

/ANSI, /AM20 added); p7, Figure 3-4 title modified; p8, conduit

adapter work added to subsection 3-2-2; p9 to 11, Layout changed

(descriptions after conduit adapter work moved.); p16, Subsection

4-3-13. Serial number --> HART ID. changed; p20 to 35 Layout

changed (illustration of submenu screen placed on appropriate

page); p41, some error corrected; p47, range value corrected;

p49, some error corrected; p50, Table 11-2 modified; p53, C.C.

range modified; p57, Note of HART protocol DD files URL added;

Customer Maintenance Parts List CMPL12D08N05-02E revised

to 2nd edition, because Part No. for option codes /U, /PM, /H5, /

AFTG, /ANSI, /AM20 added.


Mar. 2012

Revisions: PREFACE, Addition of “How to dispose the batteries”;

p1, Addition of KC mark; p4, Some revision of O) Safety and

EMC conforming standards (description for EMC revised), addition

of KC mark; p9, Caution mark position on Section 3-3-1 changed;

p15, HART communication mark added to Figure 4-1; p28, Some

revision of Section 5-10. Water for Injection Monitoring, (USP 645

and EU 0169). Setting up EXA SC450 for WFI monitoring; p36,

Some revision of Section 6-2 “Cell constant manual”; p38 to 39,

Section 7-4 “Contrast adjustment” changed to “LCD adjustment”,

some caution added; p50, Some revision of Table 11.2 (Weight %

deleted), and change of page; p55, Addition of “Appendix 4 How

to enter the cell constant for the SC21¨G, SC8SG, and SC4AJ.”;

p56 to 60, Appendix 5 changed to Appendix 6, and Appendix

6 changed to Appendix 7; Customer Maintenance Parts List

CMPL 12D08N05-02E, revised to 4th Edition, some of illustration
