Chapter 1, Overview of the series 94 – Watlow Series 94 User Manual
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W a t l o w S e r i e s 9 4
O v e r v i e w
1 . 1
General Description
Welcome to the Watlow Series 94, a 1/16 DIN microprocessor-based limit con-
troller. The 94 has a single input that accepts a type B, J, K, T, N or S ther-
mocouple or RTD input.
The Series 94 controller limits over-temperature conditions in thermal appli-
cations. The limit controller protects against high-temperature runaway con-
ditions resulting from a shorted input sensor or a failed output device. A limit
controller is recommended in any application where thermal runaway could
affect operator safety, damage equipment or cause large product scrap costs.
The limit output is latching. An optional process alarm output can be config-
ured as latching or non-latching, with high and low alarm set points.
Special 94 features include the optional NEMA 4X rating, dual four-digit dis-
plays in either red or green and optional low-voltage power supply.
Operator-friendly features include automatic LED indicators to aid in moni-
toring and setup, as well as a calibration offset at the front panel. The Watlow
Series 94 automatically stores all information in a non-volatile memory.
Single Input -
Type J, K, T, N, B or S
Thermocouple, or 1°
or 0.1° RTD
Output 1 - High/Low Limit
Output 2 - High/Low
Alarm or None
Overview of the Series 94
Figure 1.1 -
Series 94 Input and
Output Overview