Operation menu, Llo} [`lhi} {`alo} {`ahi} {`cal, Setup – Watlow Series 94 User Manual
Page 22: Operation parameters

Appears If
[``rL] to [`LHI] or [``rH] if [`LHI] is not active
[`Ot1] is set to [`H_L] or
[``LO] and [`LOC] is not set
[`LLO] to [``rH] or [``rL] if [`LLO] is not active
[`Ot1] is set to [`H_L] or
[``HI] and [`LOC] is not set
[``rL] to [`AHI] or [``rH] if [`AHI] is not active
[`Ot2] is set to [`PrA] or
[``Pr] and [`LOC] is set to
[```0] or [```1].
[`ALO] to [``rH] or [``rL] if [`ALO] is not active
[`Ot2] is set to [`PrA] or
[``Pr] and [`LOC] is set to
[```0] or [```1].
-180°F to 180°F/-100°C to 100°C;
[`LOC] is set to [```0] or
or -18.0°F to 18.0°F/-10.0°C to 10.0°C
4 . 6
S e t u p
W a t l o w S e r i e s 9 4
Table 4.6 -
Operation Menu
Prompts and Descriptions.
Operation Menu
Document your Series 94 Operation Parameters
Do not enter any values here; make photocopies instead.
Shaded parameters
may not appear,
depending on the
controller’s configu-
ration and model
Operation Parameters
Low Limit Set Point Sets the low limit set point. Active if
[`Ot1] is set to [`H_L]
[``rL] to [`LHI], or [``rH] if [`LHI] is not active.
High Limit Set Point Sets the high limit set point. Active if
[`Ot1] is set to
[`H_L] or [``HI].
[`LLO] to [``rH], or [``rL] if [`LLO] is not active.
Alarm Low: Represents the low process alarm. This parameter will not appear if
[`Ot2] is set to [``no]. This parameter is present if [`Ot2] is set to [`PrA] or
[``Pr] and [`LOC] is set to [```0] or [```1].
[``rL] to [`AHI], or [``rH] if [`AHI] is not active. Default: [``rL]
Alarm High: Represents the high process alarm. This parameter will not appear if
[`Ot2] is set to [``no]. This parameter is present if [`Ot2] is set to [`PrA] or
[``Pr] and [`LOC] is set to [```0] or [```1].
[`ALO] to [``rH], or [``rL] if [`ALO] is not active. Default: [``rH]
Calibration Offset: Adds or subtracts degrees from the input signal.
Range: -180°F to 180°F/-100°C to 100°C;
or -18.0°F to 18.0°F/-10.0°C to 10.0°C
Default: 0
[`LLO] Low Limit Set Point*
[`LHI] High Limit Set Point*
[`ALO] Alarm Low*
[`AHI] Alarm High*
[`CAL] Calibration Offset
These parameters may be masked or hidden,
depending on the settings of your controller.
For an explanation of when the parameters
will appear, refer to Table 4.6 below.
Operation Menu
Operation Menu
Figure 4.6 -
The Operation Menu.