Calibration, Entering the calibration menu, Appendix – Watlow Series 94 User Manual
Page 27

W a t l o w S e r i e s 9 4
A p p e n d i x
A . 3
Figure A.3 -
Entering the
Calibration Menu.
While in the Calibra-
tion Menu, the con-
troller outputs are
Calibration values
will not be retained
unless Output 2 indi-
cator light is on. Do
not press the RESET
key twice until you
are at the correct
input parameters.
Before attempting to calibrate, make sure you read through
the procedures carefully and have the proper equipment
called for in each procedure. Make sure the DIP switches
are in the proper position for the input type. See Chapter 4.
Entering the Calibration Menu
In the Calibration Menu, various input signals must be supplied for the con-
troller to go through its auto calibration. The Calibration Menu can only be
entered from the
[`LOC] Lock parameter in the Setup Menu. Press the ¿Up-
arrow/¯Down-arrow keys simultaneously for 3 seconds (± 1 second). The [`CAL]
Calibration Offset parameter appears in the lower display with "no" in the upper
Any inadvertent change in the displayed data, when pressing the ¿Up-
arrow/¯Down-arrow keys, is ignored. Calibration values won't be retained unless
Output 2 indicator light is on. To turn Output 2 indicator light on, press the
RESET key two times within three seconds. Press the ¿Up-arrow or ¯Down-
arrow key to change the upper display to
[`YES]. Press ‰Advance to enter the
calibration sequence.
Upon entering the calibration menu, the upper display window indicates
It continues to indicate
[`CAL] while the operator walks through the entire cali-
bration parameter list. The controller uses the lower display to prompt the user
as to what the input should be.
Once the information has been properly established and maintained for at least 5
to 10 seconds, the ‰Advance key may then be used to display the next prompt.
After the final input is established, press the ‰Advance key twice to return the
controller to the configuration menu at the top of the parameter list.