Guarded access, Where to go from here – Watlow Series 1500 User Manual
Page 48

Technical Reference
WATLOW Series 1500 User's Manual
Programming, Chapter 4
RT (Rate) Select a rate value with the UP/DOWN keys. Then press ENTER;
press FCTN.
Rb (Rate Band) Rate band defines where the rate function will occur. The Rate
Band will occur at one to seven times the proportional band. With a "0" entry,
rate is always in effect. Select a rate band value with the UP/DOWN keys. Then
press ENTER; press FCTN.
CT (Cycle Time) Enter a cycle time value with the UP/DOWN keys. Then press
ENTER; press FCTN.
db (Dead Band) The dead band defines an area on either side of set point
where no switching action will occur. Select a dead band value with the UP/
DOWN keys. Then press ENTER; press FCTN.
CA (Calibration Offset) Calibration offest enables you to offset the input value
from -10
to 10
C or
F. Enter a calibration offset value with the UP/DOWN keys.
Then press ENTER; press FCTN.
GA Code = 0006. These parameters are high and low display and scroll limits, and
for some units, two channel control type and device address. Ranges and default
values are listed for your particular unit in the charts on pages 49 or 50.
U1 (Ch-1 Upper Set Point Limit) Place the Channel 1 upper set point limit into
the DATA display with the UP and DOWN keys. Press ENTER; press FCTN.
L1 (Ch-1 Lower Set Point Limit) Place the Channel 1 lower set point limit into
the DATA display with the UP and DOWN keys. Press ENTER; press FCTN.
U2 (Ch-2 Upper Set Point Limit) Place the Channel 2 upper set point limit into
the DATA display with the UP and DOWN keys. Press ENTER; press FCTN.
L2 (Ch-2 Low Set Point Limit) Place the Channel 2 lower set point limit in the
DATA display with the UP and DOWN keys. Press ENTER; press FCTN.
LC (Front Panel Keyboard Lockout) Enter a "1" to lock the entire front panel, or
a "0" to unlock it.
RC (Recycle) Select "1" to activate the recycle option (begin again at Step #1
after completing a profile). Or, select "0" to deactivate the recycle option. Then
press ENTER; press FCTN.
TT (Temp-Temp, 2-channel temperature control) This prompt will not appear
on thermocouple units. Select 0000 for Temp-RH control, or 0001 for Temp-
Temp control. Press ENTER; press FCTN.
Ad (RS-422 Address for the 1500) This prompt appears only on units with data
communications. It applies only for a RS-422 interface. Each device on the
network must have its own address. Choose an address for your Series 1500
with the UP/DOWN keys. Press ENTER; press FCTN.
Sequence then leaves the guarded area, returning to real time.
Where To Go From Here
For more Series 1500 programming experience, you may want to turn to the sample
program in Chapter 2, if you haven't already done so. However, once you have the
control installed and programmed, you need to tune it to your thermal system for
optimum performance. Turn now to "Tuning," in this chapter, for a general descrip-
Don't press the
CLEAR key while
you are in the
Guarded Access
0006 area. If you
press the CLEAR
key, you will clear
all programmed
information for all
steps. The GA
information will
remain, but all
steps, and any
information you
have entered for
them, will clear.
Guarded Access
The U1, L1, U2, L2
parameters are
simple scrolling
and display limits,
not alarms.