Watlow 8PID Controller User Manual
Page 37

Command: S3CR
read analog input loop 3 (J/TC)
Response: S3+11867CRLF
temperature loop 3 is 1186.7 F
Command: S6CR
read analog input loop 6 (millivolt)
Response: S6+08765CRLF
input is 87.65% full scale
To read analog inputs from all loops
SF is the Scan Fast command
The response is:
+abcd is the sign and value for loop 1
+efgh is the sign and value for loop 2
+ijkl is the sign and value for loop 3
+mnop is the sign and value for loop 4
+qrst is the sign and value for loop 5
+uvwx is the sign and value for loop 6
+yzab is the sign and value for loop 7
+cdef is the sign and value for loop 8
The Scan Fast Command is a single command that returns the analog input value for
each of the eight analog channels of the selected ANAFAZE 8 PID. The analog data is
returned in a hexadecimal format to reduce the number of characters transmitted.
To calculate the value for each loop input, the digits are determined by taking the ASCII
value of each digit (i.e., in BASIC a command like ASC(a) ) and subtracting 48. This
will result in values from 0 to 15. These values are then multiplied by powers of 16 for
each digit. The least significant digit is the right most of the four. For example, the data
for loop 1:
value = (ASC(a)-48)*4096 +(ASC(b)-48)*256 +(ASC(c)-48)*16 +ASC(d)-48
16 cubed = 4096, 16 squared = 256
This command can be used to reduce the communication time between the computer and
the ANAFAZE 8 PID. Note that in multiple controller systems the desired controller
must be selected prior to the SF (or any other) command.