Watlow 8PID Controller User Manual
Page 13

Please note that the ANAFAZE 8 PID does not require an automatic LF line feed at the
end of each communication. Do not use this feature available in the IBM PC BASIC or
any other software package.
Communication interfaces plug into slot 1 at the back of the ANAFAZE 8 PID frame.
The standard selection includes: RS- 232, RS-422, and 20ma current loop. An optically
isolated RS-232 interface is available.
3.2.3 RS-232 Option [Non-Isolated]
The ANAFAZE 8 PID is designed to communicate with the host computer using three
wires, thus minimizing the interconnection cost. SEE DIAGRAM:
The ANAFAZE 8 PID transmits data on TXD and receives data on RXD. The host
computer TXD output should be connected to the ANAFAZE 8 PID RXD input. The
ANAFAZE 8 PID TXD output should be connected to the host computer RXD input.
Host computer communication ground should be connected to the ANAFAZE 8 PID
communication ground.
Multiple ANAFAZE 8 PID units are connected on the RS-232 line in parallel. The
ANAFAZE 8 PID nearest to the computer is connected as described above. Then each
Anafaze 8 PID controller is daisy chained wire for wire to the next unit. The next units'
TXD is connected to the first units' TXD, RXD to RXD, and ground to ground etc.
Some host computers or other RS-232 devices use additional communication lines that
are not required by ANAFAZE 8 PID. These include:
RTS - Ready To Send
DSR - Data Set Ready
CTS - Clear To Send
DTR - Data Terminal Ready