Agilent Technologies 85225F User Manual
Page 97

Verifying System Functionality
Installation and User’s Guide
7 Open the attenuator test
model in IC-CAP.
a From the IC-CAP/Main window menu bar,
choose File > Examples... .
b In the Directories list of the File Open dialog
box, double-click on the directory
c In the Directories list of the File Open dialog
box, double-click on the directory
d In the Files list of the File Open dialog,
double-click on sys_testrf.mdl.
This opens the File Open dialog box.
This opens a list of model files.
(Scroll the list, if needed.) This displays
a list of modeling files in the Files list of
the File Open dialog.
This opens the Atten model window.
The Atten model window contains tab
folders used to interact with the model
8 Set the model variables
for the measurement in
a Click the Model Variables tab folder.
b Highlight the freq_start variable and enter
c Highlight the freq_stop variable and enter
d Highlight the imax variable and enter
This opens the Model Variables tab
This sets the start frequency of the
model to 45 MHz.
This sets the stop frequency of the
model to 50 GHz.
This sets the maximum current to
90 milliamps.
9 Set the network analyzer
instrument options for the
attenuator test model in
a In the DUTs-Setups tab folder, click
S_vs_freq in the Select DUT/Setup list.
b Click the Instrument Options tab folder.
c Highlight the Cal Type value and enter
d Highlight the Cal File Name value and enter
This opens the 5 tab folders used for
the S_vs_freq setup.
This opens the Instrument Options tab
Adjustable instrument parameters are
listed in group boxes titled as
instrument model number.bus address.
instrument address (for example,
AgilentPNA.7.16 for the network
analyzer group box).
Terminate your value entries by
pressing Enter on the controller
To perform the system functional verification test (continued)