Error codes – Lincoln Electric 718114 Spirit II 150 User Manual
Page 93

Spirit II User’s Manual
Section 6: Maintenance &Troubleshooting
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Error Codes
The following is a comprehensive list of error codes for the Spirit system. When the system
uses a Manual Gas Console, only the numeric error code is displayed. When an Automatic
Gas Console is used, the text description is also displayed.
Power Supply
Code Short Description
Long Description
10121 ISC Door
ISC Door is open
10138 Stop Pressed (Off Button)
OFF Button on Plasma Console or Manual Gas
Console is pressed.
10140 Phase R
Transformer Secondary phase voltage is low
10150 Phase Y
Transformer Secondary phase voltage is low
10160 Phase B
Transformer Secondary phase voltage is low
10161 CON1
Main Contactor failed to open
10170 Coolant Level
Coolant Level is low
10180 Coolant Flow Low
Coolant flow is low
10190 Coolant Flow High
Coolant flow is high
10220 Coolant Temperature High
The coolant temperature is high
10290 GC Quiet
Lost CAN communication with Gas Console
10300 PC Quiet
Lost CAN communication with Plasma Console
10320 FCC Invalid
Final Cut Current invalid
10330 PAC Invalid
Pilot Arc Current invalid
10340 AH IHS Timeout
Arc Hold for Initial Height Sense has timed out
10350 PAT Not Established
Pilot Arc Current not established within 2 seconds
10360 TAC Not Established
Transferred Arc Current not established within 2
10370 Current Unbalanced
Current is not balanced between chopper
assemblies (275A and 400A systems)
10380 TAC Lost 1
Transferred Arc lost during TAC hold time
10390 TAC Lost 2
Transferred Arc lost during Upslope
10400 TAC Lost 3
Transferred Arc lost during Cutting
10410 TAC Lost 4
Transferred Arc lost during Downslope
10420 FCC Unreached
Did not achieve final cut current
10430 Output Over Current
Chopper has exceeded its maximum rated current
10432 Output Over Current TZ
Instantaneous Over Current detected
10440 Output Over Voltage
Maximum Cutting Voltage has been exceeded.
10450 Start Premature Removal
Start Signal removed prior to completion of upslope
10461 Chopper1 Temp
Chopper 1 maximum operating temperature
10462 Chopper2 Temp
Chopper 2 maximum operating temperature
10463 Chopper3 Temp
Chopper 3 maximum operating temperature