Cnc machine interface connections – Lincoln Electric 718114 Spirit II 150 User Manual
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Spirit II User’s Manual
Section 3: Installation
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CNC Machine Interface Connections
Perform the following steps to properly interface the Spirit system with a CNC cutting
machine. See the system schematic for additional information.
Plasma Start Input
The power supply requires a contact closure between P8 pins 3 and 4 to commence the
cutting or marking sequence. The sequence is terminated when the contacts are
opened. The contacts should be rated for 24VDC - 7.3mA.
Plasma Cut/Mark Input
The power supply requires a contact closure between P8 pins 1 and 2 to put the system
in plasma marking mode. Opening the contacts puts the system in cutting mode. The
operating mode should be selected prior to applying a start signal. The contacts should
be rated for 24VDC - 7.3mA.
Arc Hold Input
The power supply requires a contact closure between P8 pins 10 and 11 to inhibit arc
starting even though a plasma start signal has been applied to the unit. When the
contacts are opened, the arc is initiated. This feature is used to decrease cycle time by
allowing pre-cut gas and contact sequencing to occur simultaneously with initial torch
height positioning. The contacts should be rated for 24VDC - 7.3mA.
Motion Output
The power supply provides a maintained contact closure output between P8 pins 12
and 14 as long as an arc is maintained between the torch and the workpiece. The
motion contacts are rated for 24VDC – 10mA.
Remote On/Off Input
The power supply requires a maintained contact closure between P8 pins 5 and 6 to
energize the system from a remote location, provided that the OFF Button on the
manual gas console is released. Opening the contacts deenergizes the system. If the
remote on/off feature is not used, install a jumper between terminal block TB1 positions
7 and 8. The contacts should be rated for 24VAC – 10mA.
Power Supply Ready Output
The power supply provides a maintained contact closure output between P8 pins 7 and
8 when the system is ready to cut or mark. The contacts are open during gas purge or
when an error occurs. The contacts are rated for 24VDC – 10mA.