Whitehall Manufacturing 2142-T-EG10 User Manual

Ligature Resistant
Siphon Jet Toilet
(With Flush Valve cover
Provided Separately)
Model 2142-T-EG10
(Top Supply)
Ligature Resistant Siphon Jet
Provide and install Whitehall Best-Care™
Ligature Resistant Toilet(specify model
Fixture is arranged to be installed on a finished
number and options). Fixture shall be
wall from the front side. Unit is fabricated from
fabricated from 16 gage, type 304 stainless
16 gage, type 304 stainless steel and is seamless
steel. Construction shall be seamless welded
welded construction with exposed surfaces
and exposed surface are powder coated
powder coated white.
white. Toilet shall be concealed siphon jet
Toilet is Siphon Jet type with an elongated bowl
type with an elongated bowl and self-draining
manufactured to comply with ASME A112.19.3-
flushing rim. Toilet shall be ASME A112.19.3-
2008 and CSA B45.4-2008 standards. Toilet
2008 and CSA B45.4-2008 compliant. Toilet
requires a minimum of 25 PSI flow pressure and
uses a minimum water consumption of 1.28 GPF.
requires a minimum of 25 PSI flow pressure
Trap has a minimum 3-1/2" seal, will pass a
and uses a minimum water consumption of
2-1/8" ball and is fully enclosed. Toilet has a 1-
1.28 GPF. Toilet trap shall have a minimum 3-
1/2” NPT flushing inlet connection. Wall waste
1/2” seal and shall pass a 2-1/8” diameter
outlet connection is a 5-1/2” gasketed flange.
ball and is fully enclosed.
Floor waste outlet locations are 4-1/4”, 10”, or
12” with a 7-1/2” gasketed flange. Floor waste
outlet locations from rear of fixture
Optional Flush Valve is exposed type with cast
bronze body. Flush valve supply is available in
1.28 GPF and 1.6 GPF.
Optional Flush Valve cover is 16 gage, type
304 stainless steel with exposed surfaces powder
coated white. It is furnished with six removable
wall brackets secured with vandal resistant
screws. Refer to 2802SLPT Submittal for
additional information.
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Please visit www.whitehallmfg.com
for most current specifications.
Member of
U.S. Green
with the
Optional 2802SLPT
Flush Valve Cover
w/Flush Valve shown
for reference.
(Required for Ligature
Resistant Installation).
Healthcare and Ligature
Resistant Products
Last Update: 10/23/13