Whitehall Manufacturing 8198 User Manual
Whitehall recessed laser supply and waste box, Medical hose/supply boxes

Recessed Laser
Supply and Waste Box
Model 8198
Last Update: 03/19/12
Whitehall Recessed Laser Supply and Waste
Box is 18 gage, type 304 stainless steel with a
Whitehall Laser Recessed Supply and Waste Box
glass blast finish interior. Exterior of box includes
Model 8198. Wall box to be type 304 stainless
mounting clips for anchoring box to the wall
steel with exposed surfaces polished to a satin
construction. Wall flange is 16 gage, type 304
finish. Provide removable stainless steel wall
stainless steel and includes locking door with
flange. Vacuum breaker on supply outlet. Provide
cylinder lock. Exterior surfaces are polished to a
positive shutoff quick disconnect on both supply
satin finish.
and waste outlets. Valve to be cartridge operated
Door is provided with piano hinge Cam and
type with vandal-resistant lockshield bonnet and
Cylinder Lock with Key Lock and two keys.
screwdriver operated stop.
Valve and Stop body is cast bronze with exposed
parts chrome plated. Valve and stop feature
tamper resistant lockshield bonnets and
replaceable cartridges containing all wearing parts.
The valve body casting is gasketed where it joins
the box and is securely anchored. Valve includes
atmospheric vacuum breaker and 3/4" NPT male
and female quick disconnect fitting. Screwdriver
stop allows servicing the control valve without
shutting down the water supply. Supply inlet is
3/4" NPT female.
Waste Connection includes a 3/4" NPT male and
female quick disconnect fitting.
Waste Fitting is cast bronze with rough chrome
finish and is securely bolted to the box. It will slip
2" SPS and is furnished with Permaseal for
Fixture May Show Some Available Options
Please visit www.whitehallmfg.com
for most current specifications.
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Medical Hose/Supply Boxes
Please visit www.whitehallmfg.com
for most current specifications.
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