Whitehall Manufacturing 4101 User Manual
Whitehall surgical scrub sink one station, Surgical scrub sinks

Surgical Scrub sink
One Station
Model 4101
Last Update: 05/31/13
Surgical Scrub Sink is designed for use in health
care institutions providing surgeons with a
Provide Whitehall One Station Surgical Scrub Sink
convenient sink for pre-op scrub up.
(specify model number and options) 32” wide.
Fixture is fabricated from heavy gage, type 304
Fixture shall be fabricated from heavy gage, type
stainless steel and is seamless welded construction
304 stainless steel, with seamless welded
polished to a satin finish. The cabinet interior is
construction polished to a satin finish. Cabinet
sound-deadened with a fire-resistant material. The
interior shall have a sound-deadening, fire-
unit is designed to be installed on the wall using a
resistant material. Cabinet shall also have
mounting carrier or it can be floor mounted on a
removable panels to allow access to water control
stainless steel pedestal base.
valve, waste connection, stops and strainer. Sink
shall have a sloping bottom to minimize splashing,
Scrub Sink is provided with front panels which are
and a 3” flat strainer drain. Gooseneck shall have a
easily removed for access to the water control valve
removable 1-1/2” spray head. Fixture shall have a
and waste connection. Scrub sink has a sloping
T/P temperature/pressure balancing mixing valve
bottom surface to minimize splashing and a 1-1/2”
which is easily adjustable at the control panel.
OD tailpiece with a 3” flat strainer drain.
Manufacturer shall provide necessary installation
Backsplash has a gooseneck assembly with a 1-
1/2” spray head that can be removed for
T/P Temperature/Pressure Balancing Mixing
Valve Control is located on the control panel and
maintains a constant water temperature with a flow
control of 2.5 GPM. This easily adjustable, anti-scald
valve will automatically shut off if the hot or cold
water supply fails.
Water Supply Valve is a mechanical pilot type,
actuated by one push of a knee-operated front panel
and turned off by a second push.
Fixture May Show Some Available Options
Please visit www.whitehallmfg.com
for most current specifications.
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Surgical Scrub Sinks
Please visit www.whitehallmfg.com
for most current specifications.
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