Whitehall Manufacturing 8190 User Manual
Medical hose/supply boxes

Stainless steel
Recessed Dialysis
Supply and Waste Box
Includes Models
8190, 8191, 8195, 8196
Last Update: 05/09/13
Whitehall Stainless Steel Recessed Dialysis
Door is provided with concealed hinge and Cam
Supply and Waste Boxes have been
Cylinder Lock with Key Lock and two keys. Door
especially designed for dialysis machines which
can be easily removed after opening by
utilize RO (reverse osmosis) and DI (deionized)
releasing hinge pins with a screwdriver. Door
water, mixed with dialysate saline concentrate.
and wall flange exterior surface is polished to a
This water is very corrosive and is commonly
satin finish.
called "hungry water", because it eats away
Valves and Fittings are PVC (polyvinyl
steel, some stainless steels, cast iron, copper
chloride). Valves are ball type with EPDM seals
and brass metals commonly used in supply and
and O-ring. Each valve is furnished with a
waste systems. There are two basic types of
flushing nipple for installation in valve outlet
dialysis machines. One mixes dialysate into the
when lines are flushed into waste receptor.
RO-DI water inside the machine and the other
requires pre-mixed water. When only one type is
used, the single valve model is satisfactory.
Provide and install Whitehall Recessed Dialysis
When both types are or may be used, the two
Supply and Waste Box model (specify model
valve model is required.
number) Box shall be fabricated from type 316
stainless steel with all seams continuous welded,
Waste Box. All parts of the Box which come in
and have a satin finish. Wall flange shall be heavy
contact with waste water are fabricated from type
gage, type 304 stainless steel with satin finish.
316 stainless steel. All seams are continuous
Ball valve and fittings shall be PVC (polyvinyl
welded with a bead blast finish on the interior. The
chloride) for corrosion-resistance with EPDM
welded hose bracket will hold two discharge
seals. Nipples shall be provided for flushing of
hoses. Tailpiece waste connection is 2-3/8" O.D.
supply lines.
plain end. A stainless steel adjustable wall flange
with satin finish is provided to cover space
between wall and box. Wall flange is securely
anchored with phillips head screws at each corner.
Waste outlet can be directly connected to 2"
nominal size glass or plastic drainline with a
mechanical coupling.
Fixture May Show Some Available Options
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Medical Hose/Supply Boxes
Please visit www.whitehallmfg.com
for most current specifications.
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