Whitehall Manufacturing 2125-A User Manual
Bariatric toilet - ada, Bariatric on-floor toilet - ada compliant

Last Update: 09/24/13
Bariatric On-Floor Toilet
- ADA Compliant
Fixture (less -
HSBJ hinged seat option) shall withstand loads up
to 2,000 lbs. with no measurable deflection and
loads up to 5,000 lbs. with no permanent damage.
Optional -HSBJ Big John hinged toilet seat is rated
at 1,200 lbs. Fixture e
Mount (-RM) fixtures include a 2-3/8" plain end
which extends 3" beyond fixture.
Floor Outlet configurations include a floor waste
Fixture is arranged to be installed on a finished
outlet with a 7-1/2" diameter recessed gasket
wall optionally from the front or rear. Unit is
waste flange for both Front (-FM) and Rear (-RM)
fabricated of 14 gage, type 304 stainless steel and
mount installations.
is seamless welded construction.
Flush Valve supply is additionally available for
exposed or concealed flush valve styles in 1.28
GPF, 1.6 GPF or 3.5 GPF with 1-1/2" NPT
xterior and bowl interior has
a satin finish. Optional -EG Enviro-Glaze color
Provide and install Whitehall Bariatric ADA
finishes are available. Housing includes side access
Compliant Toilet (specify model number and
panels to facilitate installation of fixture and
options). Unit shall conform to ADA requirements.
hinged seat by others. Toilet complies with ADA
Fixture shall be fabricated from 14 gage, type 304
requirements for accessibility. Compliance is
stainless steel. Construction shall be seamless
subject to the interpretation and requirements of
welded and exposed surfaces shall have a satin
the local code authority.
finish. Toilet shall have an elongated bowl with a
Toilet is optionally available in both Floor Outlet or
self-draining flushing rim and punching for seat by
Wall Outlet with elongated bowl and an overall
others. Toilet shall be ASME A112.19.3-2008 and
depth of 29". Fixtures are manufactured to comply
CSA B45.4-2008 compliant. Toilet requires a
with ASME A112.19.3-2008 and CSA B45.4-2008
minimum of 25 PSI flow pressure and uses a
standards. Toilet requires a minimum of 25 PSI
minimum water consumption of 1.28 GPF. Fully
flow pressure and uses a minimum water
enclosed toilet trap shall have a minimum 3-1/2"
consumption of 1.28 GPF. Trap will pass a 2-1/8"
seal that shall pass a 2-1/8" diameter ball.
ball and is fully enclosed with a minimum 3-1/2"
Wall Outlet configurations with Front Mounting (-
FM) include a wall waste outlet with a 7-1/2"
diameter recessed gasket waste flange. Rear
Fixture May Show Some Available Options
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Whitehall Mfg. > P.O. Box 3527 > City of Industry, CA 91744 > (800) 782-7706 > (626) 968-6681 > Fax (626) 855-4862
Bariatric Toilet - ADA
Please visit www.whitehallmfg.com
for most current specifications.
Member of
U.S. Green
with the
Bariatric On-Floor Toilet
- ADA Compliant
Model 2125-A