Action alarms – TREND 963 Web User Guide User Manual

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Using 963 From a Client

963 Web User Guide TC200685 Issue 4

29 Specify What Columns are Displayed

It is possible to determine which columns are displayed in the Alarm History, and the Incoming Alarms list.

To specify which columns are displayed

1. View either the Incoming Alarms, or the Alarm History as described in the ‘View Incoming Alarms’, or

‘View Alarm History’ sections of this manual.

2. Click Set up table. A dialogue box is displayed.

3. Select the check boxes next to the column name to specify which columns are to be displayed.
4. Click OK.

Note that this feature is only available accessing the 963 Server in graphic mode. Hide Alarm Panels

If an alarm has caused an alarm panel to be displayed it is possible to hide the alarm panel for 2 minutes if it is not
currently convenient to deal with the alarm e.g. you are currently working on something else that is more important.

To hide the current alarm panel:

1. Click

on the alarm panel that is to be hidden.

To hide all alarm panels:

1. Click

on any alarm panel.

4.4.2 Action Alarms Action


Alarms that have been sent to 963 must be actioned to indicate that the alarm has been seen. When actioning alarms
you are required to enter a description of the action taken in response to the alarm.

To action alarms:

1. View the alarm(s) that are to be actioned as described in the ‘View Alarms’ section of this manual.
2. Click the alarm(s) that are to be actioned (to select more than one alarm hold down the CTRL key and click

the required alarms). To select all the alarms click Select All, to deselect all selected alarms click Unselect

3. Click Action Selected Alarms. The Alarm Action Description dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter some text describing the action to assist future faultfinding (e.g. the action taken because of

the alarm).

5. Click OK.

Note that this feature is only available when accessing 963 Server in graphic mode.