Aorm software package – Teledyne LeCroy AORM - Advanced Optical Recording Measurements User Manual

Page 87

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AORM Software Package

213133 Rev A


June 2013


We are expecting 1800 pits/spaces, so
make sure that the trends are set to use up
to 2000 values for each math setup.

The trigger is set up to trigger on a pit edge and is operated in single-shot mode. For
convenience, the waveforms are ordered on the screen in a particular manner:

1. F2: Trend of t@pit

2. F1: Trend of pwid

3. F3: Zoom of optical recording waveform

The reason for this order will become apparent.

Press the single-shot trigger button to acquire the waveform. The waveform should be centered
on the screen. Typically the trends will have data that is not well centered or is off screen.
Centering is done by touching the FIND SCALE button in each trend setup dialog.

The next screen shows what each trace looks like after the waveform has been acquired and the
trends centered.