Setting binning and histogram scale, Aorm software package – Teledyne LeCroy AORM - Advanced Optical Recording Measurements User Manual
Page 21
AORM Software Package
923133 Rev A
June 2013
The current horizontal per division setting for
the histogram. The unit type used is
determined by the waveform parameter type
that the histogram is based on.
The vertical scale.
makes the vertical scale
linear. The baseline of the histogram
designates a bin value of 0. As the bin
counts increase beyond that which
can be displayed on screen using the
current vertical scale, this scale is
automatically increased in a 1-2-5
sets the vertical scaling
to a linear value that uses close to the
full vertical display capability of the
scope. The height of the histogram
will remain almost constant.
Setting Binning and Histogram Scale
For either the Linear or LinConstantMax vertical scale option, the scope automatically increases
the vertical scale setting as required, ensuring that the highest histogram bin does not exceed the
vertical screen display limit.
The Center and Width fields allow specification of the histogram center value and width per
division. The width per division multiplied by the number of horizontal display divisions (10)
determines the range of parameter values centered on the number in the Center field, used to
create the histogram.