Mad attribute classes – Teledyne LeCroy Automation API for IBTrainer Software Ver.2.0 User Manual

Page 30

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Classes of the C++ Interface

C++ Interface


CATC IBTrainer InfiniBand Exerciser API Reference

MAD Attribute Classes

The InfiniBand Specification describes several attributes that can be
carried by MAD packets. The attributes are realized as sub classes of
the class IGCMADAttribute.

In order to create a MAD Packet that contains one of the above
attributes, create an instance of the desired attribute class, modify the
properties and copy the data into the instance of a MAD Packet using
the method ToPacket of the class IGCMADAttribute.

To extract the attribute data of a MAD Packet use the method

from the class IGCMADAttribute.

• IGCSubnMgmtAttribute class

This class contains classes for the attributes of the Subnet
Management. See also

“Subnet Management Attribute Classes” on

page 2-9


• IGCPerfMgtAttribute class

This class contains classes for the attributes of the Performance
Management, which is part of the ‘General Services’.

• IGCMADAttrNotice class

These attributes are referred to as ‘Attributes common to multiple
classes’ in the IB Specification.

• IGCMADAttrInformInfo class

These attributes are referred to as ‘Attributes common to multiple
classes’ in the IB Specification.

• IGCMADAttrClassPortInfo class

These attributes are referred to as ‘Attributes common to multiple
classes’ in the IB Specification.

• IGCDTAAttribute class

This class contains classes for the attributes of the Device Test