Packet properties – Teledyne LeCroy Automation API for IBTrainer Software Ver.2.0 User Manual

Page 157

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Packet Properties

Properties and Programmatic Settings

CATC IBTrainer InfiniBand Exerciser API Reference


Packet Properties

The following lists of properties are used to set up a single packet. The
packet can then be passed to an object of type generator and can either
be sent immediately, or it can be programmed into the transmit

The following lists of properties are part of IGCPacket::IGEPropName or

. These properties are divided into a general

list of properties (prefix IGP_) and the property lists that belong to the
various headers (prefixes LRH_, ATEH_ and so on).

The properties are different enums, but because they can all be mapped
to an integer and the implementation ensures the values are distinct,
the same ‘set/get’ function can be used for setting/getting all properties.