System Sensor RTS-AOS User Manual

Page 3

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The green “Standby” will blink every 5 seconds whenever the duct smoke
detector is receiving power. The amber “Trouble” LED is lit when the duct
smoke detector sensor is missing or the detector cover is removed. The delay
to indicate a trouble condition once the cover is removed depends on the dip
switch setting on the duct smoke detector power board. An LED with amber
blink every 5 seconds indicates that the sensor is in “Maintenance” which in-
dicates that the sensor needs to be cleaned or replaced. See Table 1 LED Status
Indication for a detailed list of indications.
enabLing The TesT/reseT/sensiTiviTY OperaTiOn
Insert the key and turn to select either sensor 1 or 2. This will enable the
selected sensor to be tested, reset, or sensitivity read. Note all test/reset/sen-
sitivity functions can be initiated with the outer cover installed or directly on
the mounting plate.
TesT fUnCTiOn
With the desired sensor selected by the key, press and hold the Test/Reset but-
ton for 2 seconds. If the sensor is within its sensitivity limits, the device will
alarm within the next 3 seconds. The RTS2 will not initiate a test condition if
a trouble exists on D4120.
aLarm indiCaTiOn
Once the Test/Reset button has been pressed, the red alarm LED will illumi-
nate and the horn will sound (within 5 seconds). If an AOS (add-on strobe) is
installed, it will flash.
reseT fUnCTiOn
Reset is a common function to both sensors. Press and release the Test/Reset
Button. The red alarm LED should turn off on both sensor LEDs and the horn
will cease sounding. The strobe will cease flashing (if optioned). The current
sensor status will be indicated (See Table 1). Note, the key switch must still be
selected for one of the sensors in order for the reset function to be enabled.
sensiTiviTY fUnCTiOn
When the key is installed and sensor 1 or 2 is selected, the selected sensor
sensitivity can be read via a SENS-RDR (sold separately).

1. Select the desired sensor with the key.
2. Press the test button on the SENS-RDR. “Ready” should appear on the

SENS-RDR display.

3. Hold the SENS-RDR up to the oval indentation on the mounting plate or

outer cover (if installed). Within 10 seconds the sensor sensitivity will be

disabLing The TesT/reseT/sensiTiviTY OperaTiOn
When the key switch is returned to the neutral (vertical) position and
removed, the Test/Reset button will be disabled.



figUre 4:

figUre 5:




LEDs off


Green/Amber blink


Green blink


Amber blink

Communication Error

Amber long blink


Solid Amber


Solid Red

TabLe 1: Led sTaTUs indiCaTiOns

* Please note that the mode of the LEDs on the RTS2 represent the mode of the

respective sensors connected to the InnovairFlex duct power board.

** Refer to the InnovairFlex installation and maitenance instructions for

additional LED/Status details.

This manual is related to the following products: