System Sensor RTS-AOS User Manual
Rts2, rts2-aos, aos multi-signaling accessory

4.8"W x 5.3"H x 1.6"D (12.2cm W x 11.9 cm H x 3.8 cm D)
0.35 lb. (160 g)
Operating Voltage:
20-29 VDC
Power Requirements
3.0 mA max.
16.0 mA max
Alarm w/o strobe:
30 mA max
Alarm with strobe:
55 mA max
Strip terminal, 14 AWG to 22 AWG wire
Wiring Distance:
1000 Feet From Duct Smoke Detector
85 dBA at ten feet
14°F to 140°F (-10°C to 60°C)
95% relative humidity; non-condensing
UL 268 and ULC S529-02
rTs2, rTs2-aOs, aOs
multi-signaling accessory
insTaLLaTiOn and mainTenanCe insTrUCTiOns
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
Notice: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
generaL infOrmaTiOn
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has published codes, stan-
dards, and recommended practices for the installation and use of this product.
It is recommended that the installer be familiar with theses requirements, with
local codes, and any special requirements of the local authority having juris-
diction. For further information, consult NFPA 72 and 90A requirements.
The System Sensor RTS2 and RTS2-AOS multi-signaling accessories are de-
signed for use with System Sensor InnovairFlex 4-wire conventional duct
smoke detectors only. The accessory has two bicolored LEDs that indicate the
sensor status of up to two connected duct smoke detectors. The key switch
on the unit can be used to select a connected duct detector sensor (either sen-
sor 1 or sensor 2), and the selected sensor can be tested or both sensors can
be reset simultaneously using the test/reset button. LED status indications
include: Standby (green blink), Trouble (amber), Maintenance (amber blink)
and Alarm (red).
With the key switch selected, there is also the capability of obtaining a sen-
sitivity measurement of the selected sensor using the SENS-RDR sensitivity
reader (sold separately).
speCifiC feaTUres Of The rTs2 and rTs2-aOs inCLUde:
• Standby (Green Blink), Trouble (Amber), Maintenance (Amber Blink)
and Alarm (Red) LEDs to indicate detector status
• Keyswitch to select desired sensor, enable test/reset button and
sensitivity reading
• Test/reset button
• Sensitivity reading ability with SENS-RDR (sold separately)
• Selectable continuous or temporal tone
• AOS-Add-On-Strobe (included on RTS2-AOS model)
• Provisions for single- or double-gang box mounting
• Ability to discretely monitor two sensors when duct smoke detectors
are configured in a 2-to-1 set up (See InnovairFlex duct smoke detector
manual for reference.)
1 RTS2 or RTS2-AOS Multi-Signaling Accessory
1 Mounting Hardware Kit (Contains (2) sets of mounting screws and (1) tam-
per resistant outer cover mounting screw.
figUre 1: