5 advance setup – LevelOne VOI-8001 User Manual
Page 62

4.2.5 Advance Setup NAT Traversal
/VoIP Setup/Advance Setup/NAT Traversal
If your VoIP gateway is installed behind NAT, you may need a special
configuration and server to establish the VoIP communication, this gateway
support several method for NAT Traversal as below:
By Outbound Proxy:
User can appoint an Outbound Proxy Server to handle the NAT traversal on
VoIP Setup/Register Sever/Server #/
Declare NAT IP address:
Select to enable the input the NAT VoIP Gateway IP of the network.
Use STUN server
Enable STUN and input the STUN server’s IP for handle the NAT traversal,
you can input 2 sets of STUN servers IP.
The Gateway will display the system found NAT IP address.
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