LevelOne VOI-8001 User Manual
Page 45

A. Time & Digits wait for user
The VoIP Gateway wait user input the number digits & time parameters as
Time & Digits wait for user Press.
e. MaxDigits: Define the maximum digits wait for user press for all VoIP Call
Out, if user press digits match the number defined here. It will go to
translate for call out rule without needed to press # key.
FirstDigitTime: Define the waiting time (seconds) for user press phone
number first digit. User need to press first digits before the setting time
(seconds) defined here, if VoIP Gateway wait for the defined seconds and
there is no any digits press, the VoIP Gateway will stop to wait and feedback
the user busy tone.
g. OtherDigitTime: Define the waiting time (seconds) for user press phone
number secondary & the rest digits. User need to press the rest digits
before the seconds defined here, if VoIP Gateway wait for the defined
seconds and there is no any digits press, it will go to translate for call out
rule without needed to press # key.
B.VoIP Call In IVR Routing Table
a. Remark: Remark for this routing rule. Please use UNDERLINE to replace
the SPACE due to HTTP protocol limitation.
Area Code: Define the Prefix number fit this rule, any phone number prefix
digits matched with the rule will call out by this rule define. Please Notify
there is a compare order rule on this routing table. That mean the VoIP
Gateway will check the rule list from top to bottom one by one, any rule
item matched with the prefix digits that user press will go to call out directly
no regard to the rest rules below. For Example, if a number 84951xxxxxx
is fit the rule item 1&2 , it will be processed by rule 1 and never be
processed by rule 2 , that mean that rule 2 is never been used.
Index Remark
Max Digits Strip Prefix Delete
8495 7
74H74H 74H
No used rule