Owner's manual – Atlas Sound Sound Masking Generator/ Equalizer ASP-MG24 User Manual
Page 17

Specifications are subject to change without notice
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ATS002766 RevA 4/07
8.5 Crossover Window – The Crossover Window allows the adjustment of Filter type, Frequency, and slope.
The Reset button will set all filters back to factory settings. This Reset button only effects this screen settings.
8.6 Delay Window – The delay window allows you adjust the channels delay from 0ms to 200ms per output.
Controlling the mixed gain can be accomplished by using the up down buttons or by typing in number viewing
text box.
8.7 Gain - The four output gain levels are shown when clicking on this window. Controlling the gain can be
accomplished by dragging the fader or by using the up down buttons or by typing in number viewing text box.
Channel Mute can be accomplished by clicking on the Mute tab and will illumination Red indicating the channel
is in Mute. Input Polarity can be set by clicking on the tab.