Harrington Hoists and Cranes TCR Hoist - (1/4-6 Ton) User Manual
Page 20

3.12 Preoperational Checks and Trial Operation
Check for the availability of required operating air pressure of between 60 PSI to
90 PSI at the hoist's inlet port before trying to operate the hoist.
Verify that the load chain is not twisted or tangled and that the bottom hook is not
capsized prior to operating the hoist. Correct all chain irregularities before conducting the first hoist
operation. See
Figures 3-6
Figure 3-6
Twist in Load Chain
Figure 3-7
Capsized Hook and Chain
Confirm the adequacy of the rated capacity for all slings, chains, wire ropes and all
other lifting attachments before use. Inspect all load suspension members for damage prior to use and
replace or repair all damaged parts.