Harrington Hoists and Cranes UBC-Universal Beam Clamp User Manual
Universal beam clamp, Danger

Universal Beam Clamp
1 Ton through 10 Ton Capacity
Effective: November 11, 2013
This equipment should not be installed,
operated or maintained by any person who has not read and
understood all the contents of this manual. Failure to read and
comply with the contents of this manual can result in serious bodily
injury or death, and/or property damage. Record the code and
serial number in the space provided below.
Code Number:
Serial Number:
Table of Contents
2.0 TECHNICAL INFORMATION………………………………….. 2
4.0 OPERATION/USE ………………………………………………. 3
5.0 INSPECTION…………………………………………………….. 3
6.0 MAINTENANCE…………………………………………………. 5
7.0 WARRANTY …………………………………………………….. 6
…………………………………………………….. 6
………………………….. 8
1.0 Important Information and Warnings
1.1 Terms and Summary
This manual provides important information for personnel involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this product.
Although you may be familiar with this or similar equipment, it is strongly recommended that you read this manual before installing, operating
or maintaining the product.
Danger, Warning, Caution and Notice – Throughout this manual there are steps and procedures that can present hazardous situations.
The following signal words are used to identify the degree or level of hazard seriousness.
Danger indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury, and
property damage.
Warning indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury, and
property damage.
Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result minor or moderate injury or
property damage.
Notice is used to notify people of installation, operation, or maintenance information which is important but not directly
These general instructions deal with the normal installation, operation, and maintenance situations encountered with the equipment
described herein. The instructions should not be interpreted to anticipate every possible contingency or to anticipate the final system,
crane, or configuration that uses this equipment. For systems using the equipment covered by this manual, the supplier and owner of the
system are responsible for the system’s compliance with all applicable industry standards, and with all applicable federal, state, and local
Record your clamp’s Code and Serial Number (see Section 3) on the front cover of this manual for identification and future reference to
avoid referring to the wrong manual for information or instructions on installation, operation, inspection, maintenance, or parts.
Use only Harrington authorized replacement parts in the service and maintenance of this clamp.
Equipment described herein is not designed for and MUST NOT be used for lifting, supporting, or transporting people, or for lifting or
supporting loads over people.
Equipment described herein should not be used in conjunction with other equipment unless necessary and/or required safety devices
applicable to the system, crane, or application are installed by the system designer, system manufacturer, crane manufacturer, installer,
or user.
Modifications to upgrade, rerate, or otherwise alter this equipment shall be authorized only by the original equipment manufacturer.
If equipment is used as a below-the-hook lifting device, refer to ANSI/ASME B30.20, “Safety Standard for Below-the-Hook Lifting
Devices”. As an above-the-hoist device, refer to applicable portion of ANSI/ASME B30.16.
Clamps used to handle hot molten material may require additional equipment or devices. Refer to ANSI Z241.2, “Safety Requirements
for Melting and Pouring of Metals in the Metalcasting Industry”.
Failure to read and comply with any one of the limitations noted herein can result in serious bodily injury or death, and/or property
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